Monday, April 9, 2007

Shiny Happy Caste System Part II

I begin volunteering today!!! I am so excited. I have three separate projects. One involves the refugee community, which I probably didn't finish telling you about. We have had several meetings and are currently trying to get outside help to work in a partnership with us. This will be a first for VSN. Rick and I are compiling pictures and video of the place and people. Today, I will go and interview some people to get personal stories. I could stay 1-2 years and focus solely on this community! VSN is hesitant to start income generation projects here because of the flooding and other more pressing needs of the people.... hence my other projects...

In the mornings I will be teaching English to 30 teenagers in a nearby village. Today I assess the levels of the kids and decide whether I need 2 or 3 classes. 3 other volunteers are coming to build me an outdoor classroom. Ahhh the caste system. In my class I have students from all castes including a few from the lowest caste, the untouchables. We were unable to find a location that would allow us to use a room because no one wants untouchables in their home or building! It makes me want to scream, but I am glad that I get to work with a mixed group! This is why VSN rocks! They are indirectly helping weaken this caste system by making sure all children have equal opportunity. I am excited. I am nervous about learning and remembering 30 names! Some names are easy (like Sabin and Sophi) others are more challenging (like Gahaanindra).

My third project (about which I think I am most excited) is an income generation program for women. Today and tomorrow Sugandha and I will select about 10 of the most needy women in this village. We have certain criteria for the selection (e.g. widows, disabled, etc.). We have hired a Nepalese woman from Kathmandu who is an 'expert' in sewing and knitting to teach them. We will make items that will appeal to tourists (tourism is the major/only economy in Nepal). I will then help them to approach shopkeepers to buy the items to sell in the store... I will teach them about making a budget for materials and not spending all that they make, etc. Depending on their abilities... I might look into an online sales program. This is the plan at least. Today I find the women. Tomorrow, I go shopping and buy materials with Tumala, my expert. Thursday, we begin! This is the first time that VSN has done an income generation program independent from another organization (like a women's center), so they are excited to have me! What is great about the way we set it up, is it can continue after I leave because it will be run exclusively by Nepalese women. I am only there to guide and get everything set up.

I should mention that before I got here, I thought I would have a specific volunteer plan waiting for me to step into. Not so. They wait until you arrive and then give you a bunch of options. It is my responsibility to design my own project. I was a little frustrated by this at first, but now I am stoked! I want to stay longer!

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